Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's Not Goodbye

Our destination has arrived.  During our travel transition, the process of receiving support and love and communicating goodbyes to friends and family really impacted me.  There is nothing like hugging someone and being unable to speak words due to being overwhelmed with emotion.

To ease the tension of emotions, I was filled with joy and laughter to partake in humorous picture taking with some family members.  Take a look at these...we built great memories and experienced cries of laughter.

Prior to our departure, I enjoyed meeting up with close friends such as Jason, where we did our traditional meal in Zionsville at Big Dave's Deli, and with Ryan, where we walked the mall and enjoyed company.  I will miss those types of interactions, but I hope to gain interactions with native Guatemalans in potential athletic events or market shopping.  In fact, as I began to write this blog (sitting in a coffee shop), a 10 yr old Mayan boy came up to me to sell his bracelets (which I didn't buy), but I showed him pictures of my family on this blog and described to him (in my broken Spanish) the different stories in this blog and had him listen to music from the menu tab above and described the reason the "prayer box", which I could only translate as "talking to God".

But leaving our comforts and loved ones is not goodbye.  We have been very blessed with the opportunities and desires within us to pursue and strive to experience other cultures and living standards, and we will indeed maintain our ties and see you later.

I strongly anticipate that our time in Guatemala will feel like we will be impacted more than we impact others.  But here we go, setting ourselves in position to impact.

And as quoted in the great film production 'John Q', "it's not goodbye, it's see you later."

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