Friday, September 30, 2011

a quick pick-me-up

This is why I love my job:
Sometimes when work gets overwhelming, I just look at this picture. She is sponsored through Mayan Families and attends one of our preschools. She has 8 siblings, and only the youngest few go to school because they are sponsored. The rest work to support the family. Hopefully her sponsor will stick with her for several years so she can learn to read and write and speak Spanish (she's Mayan, so she speaks a dialect called Kakchiquel). This is why I'm here. For stories like hers, so that families are given a little extra help so that their children can become more than a beggar on the street or a laborer in someone else's field.

I hope that looking at her picture makes your heart smile. And I hope that stories like hers remind us all of the potential we each have to impact another person's life, be that a person in Guatemala or the person who lives next door to you.

PS-Her mom's name is Santa ( :


  1. So cute! We had lunch with your mom and dad today. Missed having you guys there, but we're so proud of your work and excited to see God use you! Love anfpd hugs and, or course, lots of prayers!

  2. My parents told me that they saw you guys and that the babies are smiling so much! Wish I could have been there! I hope you're adjusting well to a new schedule now with work. At least the girls are sleeping more, right? ( : I miss you all! xoxo
