Friday, September 9, 2011

Wisdom, Faith, and Dr Quinn (plus Q of D)

Check out the 2 minute through 6 minute mark on this video segment from a Doctor Quinn episode titled "Season of Miracles".

We've all heard the 'how could God do this?' comments before (because they are valid), and we can relate our own feelings and frustrations with wondering why the bad things that happen to good people.  I'm very pleased with how the show documented this universal struggle.

Sully says, "Maybe you were praying for the wrong thing. Maybe the miracle isn't in the healing but finding the strength to accept what has happened.  Instead of asking 'why me?' starting asking 'what am I going to do about it?'"  Now that is wisdom to my ears.  We can't avoid encountering difficulties in this world; but we can accept them, and make adjustments (one door closes, another opens; or one road ends and a new begins).

The Light is upon us if we choose.  The faith is by walk, not by sight.

1 comment:

  1. Love the DQ reference! Glad you guys arrived safely and are getting settled in your new home. - Megan J.
