Monday, July 16, 2012

be still

Living here has taught me to be still. Sometimes it feels like that's all I can really do. I had a woman cry to me yesterday for injustices I can't go into on this blog. My heart broke for her, my Spanish faltered, and I honestly couldn't do a thing. I sat still with her, just listening.

It's funny though. When I see an injustice, when I see pain, my body wants to do something. I want to respond, my mind races with ways I can help. But sometimes there is nothing more to be done than just to be still and listen.

It used to be that when I thought of serving God I thought of doing. But more and more, I realize that from a Biblical perspective it's much more important to be than to do.

Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:10

Straight to the heart of all of us do-ers. How is God exalted? By us being still and relishing in His existance, in the knowledge of who He is. This verse has intrigued me lately and it's growing to be one of my favorites.

In the hectic schedules of our day, it's a challenge to be still. But perhaps it is necessary to still our minds, our bodies, our hearts and truly reflect on who our God is. Perhaps that is the best way God is exalted. Not in huge acts or miraculous works, but just in being with God and being of God. I think this verse highlights the simplicity of the human-God dynamic. God is not looking for us to fix, to heal, to answer. Against all our natural instincts, I think He is looking for us to reflect, believe, be.

That's what God's been showing me lately...

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