Monday, June 11, 2012

coming "home"

We wanted to let you all know that we have come to a decision about our length of time living here in Guatemala.  After lots of prayer and consideration, we have decided not to renew our work contracts for another year.  We have truly loved living here and experiencing life in Guatemala, but we feel it's time to return to the States.  We haven't bought our flights yet, but we're planning on returning to the Indianapolis area around August-ish.

We can't even begin to count the ways that Guatemala has shaped us, challenged us, renewed our hearts, and given us a stronger passion to continuously be living lives connected to service and justice.  It has been an incredible journey, one that we see as a beginning and definitely not an end.

Living here will shape every aspect of our lives as we move back home.  We're both anticipating some culture shock as we readjust to American culture.  We ask for your patience, your prayers, and we ask that you please don't take us anywhere expensive for a while. ( :

Thank you so much to the many of you who have prayed through this journey with us, who have sent encouragement in various forms, and who have been sources of insight and support through some difficult times while living here.  We look forward to reuniting with friends and family and forming a new kind of community back in Indiana.

We LOVE you all and can't wait to continue the journey back home together!
-David & Jenny

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