Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Thank you for visiting!

We have been busy touring Guatemala!  Our parents have been visiting throughout the past weeks, so we've been able to share our environment with them and introduce our cultural adjustments.

Dad and I shared a platter of meat...so when they brought it out, so put empty plates in front of us...his had a humorous image of a lonely tomato.

There are several of Church of God congregations throughout Guatemala.  This one is in Santiago Lake Atitlan.

We enjoyed the most spectacular McDonalds.  We're told it's the only McDonald's in the world that does not have the signature "golden arches" outside...because it is Antigua city code not to allow "corporate" signs.

 The Durica's plus Chris hiked Volcano Pacaya with the Tri-S students from AU.  Unfortunately, Esther was not feeling good that day so could not participate...maybe next time.

We are very grateful for the opportunity to have them visit, and appreciate greatly the sacrifices they made to take the time and use the money to make the trip possible.

It is my understanding following the trip that everyone is contemplating a move to Guatemala because they liked it so much!  Ha...


  1. It was an amazing trip....thanks, Jenny and David, for helping to make it so memorable!
