Sunday, November 13, 2011

Technology: Everythings Amazing, Nobodys Happy

Check out this funny clip of a comedian's take on technology.

I love his humor, but his message can actually be taken very 'deep'.  What does make us happy?  

For another humorous resource, check out the White Whines list, which is a collection of "First-World Problems" (i.e. which cell phone to own, etc) that are pulled off of Twitter and Facebook posts.  The term "First-World" plays off of the "Third-World" problems (i.e. poverty, hunger, etc).  Read the site, it's hilarious...such as the comment by one person saying, "iPhones are so affordable poor people have them now...My phone is plain and common.  About ready to switch carriers." sure is enlightening to compare those "problems" to  those experienced around the world, in the Third-World.

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