Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Donald

Donald Trump has done many things in the business and financial world, but now he's causing media to believe he wants a shot in the political world.  He's not the first non-politician to seek a place in Office, but he certainly has made the headlines while doing so by way of some of his strategies and focal points (ie challenging President Obama's birth certificate).  Politics is politics, and all are manipulating and for purpose of getting attention (to some extent), but I'm not so sure The Donald is so ready for being on the criticized end of the political some opinions he's used to having his way and doing the "firing".

Check out the criticism jokes he had to listen to at the 2011 Correspondents' Dinner (hosted by Seth Meyers)!
The video is lengthy.  For the Donald Trump specific jokes, look at the 2 minute mark on the video, and the 9:30 minute mark.  Every year, politicians and journalists get very entertaining with there comments and jokes about each other.  And just to make this a bi-partisan post, here is also a link to Bush's remarks at the 2008 Correspondents' Dinner.

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