Monday, May 23, 2011

Dr Quinn Medicine Woman

Jenny and I have enjoyed reflecting on episodes of old Dr Quinn Medicine Woman shows throughout this year.  We not only appreciate the stellar acting, but are thankful for the purity of the show and the insights to societal and cultural disputes. There is knowledge to gain from our cultures history, for certain.

We value the "lessons to be learned" from the show, such as to be accepting of new ideas or concepts and the insight into the process of "change".

This episode in particular (from Season 2) ends with the Thanksgiving gathering in town. View the scene below, and engage yourself in thoughts regarding the challenge of sitting at the table with different types of people.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fact of the Day

The lion used in the original MGM movie logo killed its trainer and two assistants the day after the logo was filmed.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Graduation Experience

We spent time over the weekend celebrating Jenny's completion of IU School of Medicine Masters degree of Public Health. The celebration began Thursday with a surprise delivery of beautiful flowers, ordered through Stores 2 Shop! We continued the fellowship with a luncheon banquet recognizing the graduates. Then there was the ceremony. IUPUI hosted an enjoyable program, and Jenny successfully walked across the stage!
Here's the story though. For me, the anxiety began as I arrived early to reserve seats for other family members. Let me tell you, coming from Anderson University I did not know what I was getting myself into. I was reserving 6 additional seats, expecting 5 guests, but saving an extra just in case. Seats were filling up around me, and people were seated on the end chairs of my row, when all of a sudden a man and his wife came in the row from the opposite side I was sitting. I politely informed them "excuse me, sir, I have these seats reserved." He kept his head down and spoke, "F***ing s***, man, I don't care!" I paused. Stunned, practically confused not knowing if he was talking to me since his head was down. I moved closer towards him, and addressed him saying, "sorry, I have several people coming in just a few minutes and need those seats". He continued, "F*** you, I'm not moving. That's ridiculous." 

People were around us, but nobody acknowledged the escalation of the situation. I said "and just how many seats do you need?" He only needed the two for he and his wife, so I suggested it'd be easier for them to find 2 seats than me to find 6 in a full auditorium.  He finished the conversation by saying, "F*** you, I'm not moving, I'm here." So then my family arrives with my nerves shooken. It turns out that not everybody was able to attend the ceremony, so all we needed were 5 seats, which was exactly what was left after the man and his wife sat down! But seriously, where was that guy coming from? I will always remember the name of this man's daughter (because she's the only one he cheered for during the ceremony), but I do not plan on saving seats again at IUPUI. 

Jenny did receive a wonderful degree and obtained a great education. The day ended with an INCREDIBLE service at Olive Garden in Castleton. Seriously, our party of 8 received royal treatment and enjoyed a great meal.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Q of D and The 11th Hour

"Things are thieves of time because the more things you have, the more time you have to spend working"
      -Nathan Gardels, Editor of New Perspectives Quarterly
      Quoted in the documentary film "The 11th Hour"

I recommend the film to be viewed as an educational piece, in addition to the opportunity it presents to adjust our society's lifestyle mindset.  The quote is marked at the 1hr 18minute point of film.
Here's a trailer...
Frugality does not mean means a wise use of resources.  The myth is that nature is a resource considered to be endlessly abundant.  Now, the film could be seen as "dramatic" or "condemning", choose your words, but regardless there is perspective that needs to be heard, and we have the ability to listen.  Thank God for the gifts of voice and hearing, now let us do with it good intention.  Let's treat life with great humility and respect.

To find your own copy of the 11th Hour movie, click here

Friday, May 6, 2011

Q of D

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance"
       - Derek Bok

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Donald

Donald Trump has done many things in the business and financial world, but now he's causing media to believe he wants a shot in the political world.  He's not the first non-politician to seek a place in Office, but he certainly has made the headlines while doing so by way of some of his strategies and focal points (ie challenging President Obama's birth certificate).  Politics is politics, and all are manipulating and for purpose of getting attention (to some extent), but I'm not so sure The Donald is so ready for being on the criticized end of the political some opinions he's used to having his way and doing the "firing".

Check out the criticism jokes he had to listen to at the 2011 Correspondents' Dinner (hosted by Seth Meyers)!
The video is lengthy.  For the Donald Trump specific jokes, look at the 2 minute mark on the video, and the 9:30 minute mark.  Every year, politicians and journalists get very entertaining with there comments and jokes about each other.  And just to make this a bi-partisan post, here is also a link to Bush's remarks at the 2008 Correspondents' Dinner.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Q of D and Breaking News

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." -- Martin Luther King, Jr

Osama bin Laden was killed by US force yesterday in know the story.  After nearly 10 years since the tragic terrorist attacks, bin Laden was finally successfully located and raided at his compound.  I share the quote above not to condemn those who rejoice or celebrate the occasion of his death, but to present an alternative perspective that is often not given thought through media or mainstream society.  What does the death of bin Laden mean, other than bin Laden will no longer be able to conduct terror?  I am very thankful for those whose innocent lives were spared by this event (ie future terror attacks that may not be able to be implemented because of his death, etc), but I struggle to accept my right to celebrate at the death of a man who breathed life on this Earth, though severely sinful.

Have we as a nation done all we need to do to prevent future terrorist attacks?  What is the "all things considered" perspective as to why we were attacked in the first place?

I urge you to move from this point forward in such a way that presents peace.  Surely it is not the fighting that will improve our standing in this world.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Quote of the Day

"To overcome difficulties is to experience the full delight of existence."
         - Arthur Schopenhauer

Why Blog?

In the past, Jenny and I have referenced to the importance of journaling, writing, and general documenting, but why start a blog now? Well, ever since entering the "real world", graduating, and experiencing a lot of friends and family living in different parts of the world, it is time to regain a sense of belonging and share the happenings of our own lives. We have been blessed with a great home and opportunities throughout this year in Indianapolis, but often times find ourselves too overwhelmed with life's circumstances to fully engage in community. Here is where we hope to begin authentically connecting and expressing ourselves to you and our communities. In doing so we hope to find love, support, vulnerable challenges, and to see the face of God.

Thank you for your interest!